What our students say about Frontier Academy…
You are not a number in the system.
Feels like family.
I’m actually learning!
Class doesn’t leave me behind---neither do the teachers!
I have more control over what I’m learning.
Responsibility! I feel more accountable for my learning.
I am accepted for who I am and am cool with other people.
Staff listened to me, and I got help where and when I needed it.
Staff aren’t afraid to get in my business—they are honest and keep it real.
We do cool community service projects and get to do other activities outdoors!
The staff are great! They helped me sort through life so I can focus on school.
I am friends with people I wouldn’t have been friends with at my last school.
The teachers made sure classes taught relevant information and cut out time wasting stuff.
A Day in the Life of a Frontier Student…
School begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:15pm with the exception of Wednesdays (8:00am - 2:30pm). One to two classes are loaded in Edgenuity (an online platform for classes) for a student. Students work at their own pace; however, the minimum goal for progress in a class is 8% each day or 40% in a week. Typically a student can complete a course every three (3) weeks. Students who want to make up credit or accelerate earning credit may progress through coursework faster. There are Frontier students who graduated a semester or more earlier than their peers back in their original high school.
The online coursework… usually has printed, “fill in” notes that may be used on quizzes and tests. Each unit contains topics with lessons that cover an introduction, instruction, assignment, summary, and quiz. There are embedded video lectures from regular classroom teachers along with short assignments for the student to practice the skills and knowledge presented. The Frontier teachers support students in processing information or when the online class presentation needs to be presented a different way. However, if a student misses a day at Frontier Academy, the class waits in the cloud for the student to show up and continue.
Face-to-face classwork… Throughout the week, Frontier offers in person classes such as Wellness (lifetime fitness activities), connection circles, STEM, Horticulture, Art, Culinary Arts, and dual enrollment college classes. Students who work can also earn elective or work study credit. Throughout the school year our school also performs various community service projects such as Highway Cleanup, volunteering with our local senior citizens centers, city beautification, winterization of the boys and girls camp by Worthen Meadows, startup of the local ice arena, and walking dogs with PAWS for life. Other times we have special guest speakers or events that enrich our lives. These shorter events all contribute to our Exploration class. EVERYTHING we do contributes to earning credit for graduation. EVERYTHING!
All of our learning time together contributes to culture building—we are a family! Our students learn how “to adult” (balance time and be accountable for decisions made). Even though each of us are on a different path, we work together. We might not always agree, but we are here to learn together and graduate students!